
Alleluia Booklet Art

Mary Souza (check out her other amazing art), a member of St. Jude's Episcopal Church in Cupertino, California provided this art work for the Alleluia Booklet. The first is a world map with the Millennium Development Goals around it and the second is called 'Important News' and portrays the women delivering the news of Jesus' resurrection.

The world serves as the cover art for the paper booklet and 'Important News' is the meditation for today. It is the very first meditation in the booklet.

So many people have asked for posters of this work that we went wild and made a Cafe Press Store where you can purchase lots of goodies with this great art on it. All of the proceeds from the store will go to the 'pot' of money raised for the Millennium Development Goals and will serve as part of our loans given to women on Kiva.org.

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